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Foundation Grants: Tips and Resources

Grant Writing

Contact: email:

Kari Sable

Grant Services

Complete Grant Research and Writing Services including:

  • Review
  • Editing
  • Consulting
  • Program Development
  • Project Management

Resources -- Information -- Foundation Grants -- Home Owners Grants


Grant Writing and Research Tips for your organization.

Search online for corporate foundation Web sites (many prefer that you apply online) or contact corporations, industries and franchises in your region to see what types of funding they make available. Even if they don't have a foundation, or you don't qualify, many have funds or assistance available for good causes in the community.

Know your funding priorities when selecting a Board of Directors.. You want financially responsible people who are well connected in the community such as bankers, make ideal board members, so do volunteers employeed by large financially solid company's local community franchisers . Many foundations only fund charities that their employees are involved with directly..

Before seeking funding you need a strong, clear, specific mission statement.

Since most grants do not allow money for expenses related to overhead, maintenance, wages for regular staff, be prepared to document how you plan to pay for the costs not covered through grants along with financial statements and outcomes.

Have a clearly defined program with all the major details worked out before requesting the grant. Never attempt to create programs agencies out of whole cloth around available grants, rather find grants that support your causes. Illustrate the needs that your organization plans to fill. Present the anticipated outcome or success of your program, give a clear outline of how you will reach your goals. Put together a slick presentation to hand out to your funders that details your charity and your program from floor plan to budgeting.

Highlight the professional expertise of those involved with the program.

Follow the directions of the grantor when preparing the grant application. Some just want a letter,others allow you to submit the same grants submitted elsewhere, some are forms you fill out on line or in hardcopy and some have very precise directions. Follow tup! Writing the grant is the smallest part of the funding process.

Funders keep a close record of how the funding is spent, is imperative you stay in touch with your funders. Budget a great deal of ime to devote to this process. Which is why one person shouldn't apply for more grants than they can follow-up on. To receive most grants requires a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS as well as register with your State.

Focus your efforts on the grants you are most qualified for. The best way *not* to get a grant is to send out a form letter to every grantor or philanthropist.

Not all foundations accept solicitations but do their own research on who to fund. Or create their own area of focus, often partnering up with other nonprofit organizations.

More grant seekers are turned down than accepted. Don't take it personal, review your mission and program plan and then move on.

Some foundations accept funding requests throughout the year but many have strict cycles of when they accept applications. Watch their dates carefully. Some require you to send a letter of intention before the actual application.

Do not expect to receive a huge grant for a new charity. grantors. Grantors want to see a sound financial history with positive outcomes..

Remember: Grants are just one way to fund your charity. Building up your own list of personal and corporate supporters for annual fund drives, get listed as a charity for the Combined Fund Drive at workplaces.

Grants are legally binding and to be used exactly for what they are granted, only. There are tough penalties for inconsistencies.Any deviation from the agreement requires written permission from the grantor. Audits are costly and painful

Legitimate professional grant writers are paid at the time of services. Beware of grant proposal writers or program developers who claim they will pursue grants with payment contingent on the organization receiving the money. In most cases this is considred unethical and often illegal.


Idealist and Action Without Borders

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)

Public Interest Registry created to manage the .ORG registry.

The State and Local Government on the Net Directory provides access to the websites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments.

Grants and Information:

United Way of America

Gifts In Kind International

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

Grants Information Collection

A sampling of grant funders

Corporate Grant makers

Foundations & Grant makers Directory

Internet Prospector

Council on Foundations

The Grantmanship Center International

Fund Raiser / Grant-Writing Consultants

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

Network for Good -- By fundraising online, you can expand your constituency base and find more convenient and automated ways for your organization to collect and track funds.

Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) Spend six months in a hands-on internship, learning how to raise money for a community organization working for social justice. GIFT interns are trained in fundraising principles and techniques, then begin their placement spending 20 hours a week in a local community organization. Interns receive a stipend of $200 per week for the 24 weeks of the internship. The GIFT Internship Program was created to increase the number of people of color who are professional fundraisers, strengthen the grassroots fundraising skills of social justice organizations, and provide a sense of autonomy and ownership to community-based organizations. Starting in September and ending in February internships last a total of 24 weeks.

Social Enterprise Alliance is the membership organization leading the creation of a social enterprise movement. We mobilize communities of nonprofit organizations and funders to advance earned income strategies.

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is providing about $36 billion this year to states and school districts, primarily through formula-based grant programs, to improve elementary and secondary schools and meet the special needs of students. ED is providing about $2.5 billion to help strengthen teaching and learning in colleges and other postsecondary institutions and about $3.3 billion to support rehabilitation, research and development, statistics, and assessment.

The Freecycle™ Network

Foundation Grants

Education Grants, Scholarships & Loans

Grant-Making Foundations -- The DMOZ directory of foundation grants

The National Rural Funders Collaborative (NRFC) is a partnership working to expand resources for rural communities and families facing persistent poverty. NRFC's goal is to strengthen and sustain regional strategies for rural community transformation and strengthening rural practices, expanding philanthropy, and advancing policy change.

Wal-Mart's Good Works community involvement program is based on the philosophy of operating globally and giving back locally by supporting issues and causes important to customers and associates in their own neighborhoods. Every location awards an environmental grant of $500 to a local school for recycling programs, clean-up initiatives, or to start an environmental science project. Wal-Mart's combines financial and volunteer support. Grants for community organizations are available to Wal-Mart associates who volunteer for local non-profit organizations.

Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants for K-12 teachers — applications due annually by August 1

NWA Meteorological Satellite Applications Award Grant for undergraduate students — applications due annually by June

Weyerhaeuser -- Focuses in the communities, many rural, where Weyerhaeuser has a major presence and employs a significant number of people.


Paul G. Allen Family -- Nurturing the arts and cultural endeavors; engaging children more deeply in the learning process; responding to the needs of vulnerable populations; and advancing scientific and technological discoveries that expand our understanding of the universe.

Starbucks -- Funds local programs that serve low-income, at-risk youth through its Youth Leadership Grant Program.

Safeway -- The Safeway Foundation is making a difference by improving the quality of life in the communities we work and live.

Qwest -- Awards grants that generate high impact and measurable results through community-based programs, including K-12 education and economic development.

AT&T -- Supporting initiatives that focus technology and innovation on improving the quality of life in communities served by AT&T through three primary areas: Education, Civic & Community Service, and Arts & Culture.

Verizon Foundation -- Fostering relationships and partnerships that address social and economic needs in America's diverse communities. We invest in and partner with organizations that focus on literacy and education initiatives, technology and work force development programs, and domestic violence solutions.

Sears -- Supporting on organizations or programs that encourage community service and volunteerism.

Ben & Jerry's -- Considers proposals from grassroots, constituent-led organizations organizing for systemic social change. Groups working to help themselves, their communities, and others like themselves through self-empowering, community organizing efforts. Awards are granted ranging from $1,001 - $15,000. Each cycle the Foundation may fund a small number of material grants for $1,000 or less for programs infused with a spirit of hopefulness.

Kresge -- Focusing on health, the environment, arts and culture, education, human services, and community developmen.

American Express -- Serving communities by preserving and enriching our diverse cultural heritage; developing new leaders for tomorrow and encouraging community service where employees and customers live and work

Bank of America -- Developing relationships with and investing in local nonprofits/charitable organizations, identifying and training leaders, supporting neighborhood anchor institutions, and working hand-in-hand with national partners builds healthy communities.

Toyota USA -- Focusing on education, safety, community, enviroment and diversity.

Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh -- Providing grants of up to $10,580 (a symbolic amount representing the cost of the Spirit of St. Louis) to men and women whose individual initiative and work in a wide spectrum of disciplines furthers the Lindberghs' vision of a balance between the advance of technology and the preservation of the natural/human environment.

Nordstrom -- Focusing on health and human services, community development, education and cultural enhancement. Nordstrom is also a strong supporter of United Way, corporately and through the contributions of employees.

Corning Incorporated -- Supporting projects in support of educational, cultural, community and selected national organizations.

Time Warner -- Focusing on education and the arts with an emphasis on diversity.

Dana -- A private foundation for science, health, and education. Their current emphasis includes neuroscience, immunology, and effects of arts training on cognitive skills that improve health or functioning. Grants support improvement in K-12 education, training professional and artists to teach in public schools. .

NEA Improvement of Education -- Through a partnership with educators they advance student achievement by investing in public education.

Toshiba America --Investing in projects designed by classroom teachers to improve science and mathematics education for K thru 12 students.

Beaumont -- Through their five US program areas; Children and Youth Programs, Education, Health Care, Social Services and Foundation Initiated Programs to improve quality of life in the funded communities.

Ford Foundation -- Their goals are to: strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty, injustice, support international cooperation and advance human achievement. Most are within three main program areas: Asset Building and Community Development; Peace and Social Justice; and Knowledge, Creativity and Freedom.

WK Kellogg -- Their programs focus on vulnerable children through addressing Family Income and Assets, Community Assets, Education & Learning, Food, Health and Well-Being through new civic and philanthropic partnerships

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer-- Funding: Promise Grants,: Post-Doctoral Research, Career Catalyst Research and Investigator Initiated Research. These are all research grants.

American Honda -- Each year, the American Honda Foundation (AHF) and Honda of America Manufacturing Foundation provide grants to non-profit organizations in the US are programs on minority youth and underserved communities.

Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) established the scholarship to enhance emergency healthcare services to the public through the promotion and support of research and education in emergency care.

Bill & Melinda Gates -- Three main program areas Global Development , Global Health, and United States. as well as the Pacific Northwest Community and a Scholarship program.

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy -- Supporting family literacy programs that build families of readers. Family Literacy programs funded must include reading instruction for parents or primary care-givers, literacy or pre-literacy instruction for children, intergenerational activities to learn and read. Programs may include parent support groups, parent involvement, home visits, job training etc.

SMARTer Kids is a private organization providing students and teachers, kindergarten through college, opportunities to learn skills and grow self-confidence with technology, grants and programs. They equip classrooms with technology and research on the impact and effectiveness of technology in the classroom.

Coca-Cola Citizenship -- Concentrating on international community support in: Water Stewardship, Healthy and Active Lifestyles, Community Recycling, and Education.

Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts -- Project-based grants for individuals, organizations and public programs to foster development and the exchange of challenging diverse deas about architecture's role in the arts, culture, and society.

RGK -- Realizing human potential through knowledge, progressive humanitarian change, reverence for democracy and a civil society with foresight, imagination and supporting innovavation in health, education, human services and community affairs.

John D & Catherine T MacArthur -- Supporting people and institutions committed to building a peaceful world through the defense of human rights, advancement global conservation, security and the affects of technology by children and society. They award grants and loans through four programs: Global Security and Sustainability, Human and Community Development, General Program (public media), and the MacArthur Fellows Program.

Andrew Carnegie -- Promoting "... the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding..." The three program interests are National-- increased educational opportunity, improved institutions of learning, increased civic participation and immigrant integration. International--crisis of growth of globalization, deepening regional, cultural, and religious fragmentation, the role of developing countries in global cohesion and prosperity. Initiatives-- Academic Leadership Awards
, Special Initiatives (opportunities) and , Dissemination Program (investing in technology, tools, training, supporting grantees and modern media technology to advance and dessiminate information, scholarship and research).

Tiger Woods -- Organizations and programs in urban American cities providing opportunities to underserved youth, ages 5-17 with mentoring and/or tutoring programs:: Education Programs, (to enhance the learning process for youth) Youth Development, amd Geographic Focus.. Public schools are not eligible for funding,.Earl Woods Scholarship: For graduating high school seniors with a demonstrated financial need and proven commitment to community service, up to $5,000. 

Rotary-- Rotarians realize humanitarian through: PolioPlus, Disaster Recovery, District Simplified Grants, Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants, Matching Grants, Volunteer Service Grants, Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchange (GSE), Rotary Grants for University Teachers, Rotary World Peace Fellowships,

First Data Western Union -- Helping worldwide individuals, families and communities. They support charitable giving for education, human services programs, humanitarian projects and relief efforts.

Citigroup --Enhancing economic opportunities for individuals, families, communities, and work to mprove their standard of living.globally, through
Microfinance and Microentrepreneurship, (improve the lives of families), Small and Growing Businesses, Education,
Financial Education and Asset Building , The Environment and Community Development.

Nathan Cummings -- Democratic values and social justice, including fairness, diversity, and community. We seek to build a socially and economically just society that values nature and protects the ecological balance for future generations; promotes humane health care; and fosters arts and culture that enriches communities..

Boat US Foundation Boating Safety Grants -- Educating the boating public about actions to reduce their impact on the environment.

Allstate Foundation -- Investing millions of dollars in US programs aligned with three focus areas: Safe and Vital Communities, Tolerance, Inclusion, Diversity, and Economic Empowerment.

State Farm Mutual Companies -- Committed to education to raise the level of student achievement in our elementary and secondary schools, and supporting key higher education initiatives. The Foundation provides Education Excellence Initiatives in program areas of Service-Learning, Systemic Improvement, Teacher Excellence. The Foundation supports higher education initiatives through the following:: Scholarships, Matching Gift Program

The Allen Foundation -- Grants t that benefit human nutrition through education, training, and research.

Gill Foundation -- Investing in programs that secure equal opportunity for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression is committed to supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations in all US communities.

Annenberg -- Providin support within education, youth development; arts, culture and humanities; civic, community; health and human services; animal services and the environment.

Merrill Lynch -- Helping young people leverage education as a critical instrument for creating wealth and improving the quality of life. IPO® grants provide funding for community organizations helping underserved youth become business savvy and financially literate. Winthrop H. Smith Memorial Foundation has been providing grants and no-interest loans to Merrill Lynch employees struck by adversity.

Ella and Kaare Nygaard --Supporting activities which foster appreciation and understanding of the visual arts in general and sculpture in particular. Activities promote the understanding of the medical profession, its history, and its practice, .Activities which foster an appreciation of the Norwegian heritage of St. Olaf College by developing closer ties between the College and Norwegian cultural and educational institutions.

Domestic Public Policy Program -- Supporting projects that help the public and policy makers address critical challenges facing the US; stimulate public policy debates, evaluation of existing public policies and programs, inject new ideas into public debates, projects that help public and policy makers understand and address critical challenges, and policy issues in child care, child welfare, the criminal justice system, to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and families.

Wilburforce --Protecting nature through funding programs that help preserve our remaining wild places.

The Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation, Inc.-- Supporting programs for professional artists with disabilities or encourage a professional environment while enhancing creativity among people with disabilities who are not professional artists themselves. In advocacy
The ELA Foundation supports programs that promote change in legislation, or provide education that will enhance knowledge and action to create laws and policies that will result in better lives for people with disabilities.

NEC Foundation of America --Supporting organizations and projects within targeted interest area of technology for people with disabilities..

Pollock-Krasner -- Internationally aid individuals who have worked as artists over a significant period of time. The criteria for grants are recognizable artistic merit and professional, personal or both financial need.

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF) --Providin national grants to projects and organizations throughout the US focused on the full inclusion of young people with disabilities in society, giving preference to areas where Mitsubishi Electric facilities are located.

Captain Planet --Supporting hands-on environmental projects for children and youths to encourage innovative programs that empower children and youth around the world to work individually and collectively to solve environmental problems in their neighborhoods and communities.

Charles Stewart Mott -- Grants are made in four different programs: Civil Society, EnvironmentFlint Area and Pathways Out of Poverty.

Engineering Information -- Supporting developmental projects, instructional projects, training programs in engineering education and research that fit our fields of interest, women in engineering, and information access in developing countries.

Carthage -- Addressimg public policy questions concerned with national and international issues. There are no geographical restrictions.

Ezra Jack Keats -- Minigrants to School and Public Libraries to encourage literacy and art in children.

AAUW -- One of the world's largest sources of funding exclusively for graduate women, and aspiring scholars around the globe, teachers and activists in local communities, women at critical stages of their careers, and those pursuing professions where women are underrepresented.American Fellowships support women doctoral candidates completing dissertations and scholars seeking funds for postdoctoral research leave or for preparing completed research for publication. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. One-year postdoctoral research leave fellowships, dissertation fellowships, and summer/short-term research publication grants are offered. Career Development Grants support women who hold a bachelor's degree and who are preparing to advance their careers, change careers, or re-enter the work force. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Community Action Grants provide seed money to individual women, AAUW branches and AAUW state organizations, as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. International Fellowships are awarded for full-time graduate or postgraduate study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  Selected Professions Fellowships are awarded to women who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who intend to pursue a full-time course of study (during the fellowship year) in designated degree programs where women's participation traditionally has been low.

E. Nakamichi -- Encouraging the propagation and appreciation of well known baroque and other fine forms of classical music by underwriting public performances supported by the local community.

ASME areas of significance are Technical Literacy, early (K-12) math or science literacy, college level, tuition assistance and scholarships for engineering students. Career Planning and Skill Development Grants go to programs that offer training and better access to education. The Foundation invests in programs that provide the voice of reason, through unbiased technical advice to government at all levels.

David and Lucile Packard provides to nonprofit organizations in the following program areas: Conservation, Science; Population; Children, Families and Communities.

Rockefeller Brother Fund -- Promoting social change that contributes to a sustainable, and peaceful world. The Fund supports efforts to expand knowledge, clarify values and critical choices, nurture creative expression, and shape public policy. The programs intend to develop leaders, strengthen institutions, engage citizens, build community, and foster partnerships that include government, business, and civil society. Respect for cultural diversity and ecological integrity pervades the Fund's activities.

Markle -- Focusing its work in two areas information technology (IT) and Health and National Security.

Aerospace Education -- Educator Grants provide support to elementary and secondary classrooms for aerospace education programs, opportunities, and activities. Awarding grants to Air Force JROTC to assist with aerospace education activities. one-time grant to top active duty, Guard and Reserve USAF enlisted personnel graduating from the Community College of the Air Force to pursue a baccalaureate degree.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Grants on six major program areas: Basic Research to benefit society or add to scientific knowledge, Science Education promoting scientific enterprise, scientific, technical careers, and encourage scientific training. Public Understanding of Science using books, television, radio, film, theater and other media, promote a contact with all the ways science and technology affect our lives. Economic Performance and the Quality of Life expanding knowlege of how industries function, encourage communication between citizens, local governments and scholarly public attention on the issues and challenges faced by working families. Select National Issues to increase biosecurity and investigate advances in information technology and the structure of scientific endeavor. Civic Initiatives benefit the New York City metro area.

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (CRPF) ProvideIng Quality of Life grants to organizations to improve opportunities, access, and quality of life primarily for paralysis individuals and their families with disabilities. Funding is awarded to programs that provide assistance through access, advocacy, education, recreation and technology. Aids larger organizations to represent and protect individuals with disabilities on a national level, and local groups with an immediate practical impact on individual lives. Funding is awarded for dormitory hospital beds, dog training center, adaptive programs, support groups, advocacy campaigns, and outreach programs.

General Mills -- Grant making, employee gift-matching and scholarships for youth nutrition and fitness, arts and culture, education, and social services.

Ulman Cancer -- To enhance lives by supporting, educating and connecting young adults, and their loved ones, affected by cancer.

Washington Education provides college scholarships and mentoring to low-income, high-potential students.

Pew Charitable Trusts -- Improving public policy through nonpartisan policy solutions for problems affecting the global community. Informing the public. with impartial, fact-based public-opinion polling and research to track issues and trends. Stimulating civic life are national initiatives to encourage civic participation.

Josiah Macy, Jr.-- To improve the education of health professionals in the the health of the public, and enhance minorities in the health profession. The Macy Foundation is primarily focused on domestic health professional education.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences-- Reflecting Academy goals to advance the art and science of motion pictures and foster cooperation among the creative motion picture industry leaders of the for cultural, educational and technical progress. The Academy Foundation disburses grants for film-oriented projects through three distinct programs: The Institutional Grants Program funds organizations and educational institutions providing information relating to motion pictures.  The Festival Grants Program funds US film festivals in existence for at least five years.  The Academy Film Scholars Program supports innovative and significant works of film scholarship by individuals established in the field.

Compton -- Fostering human and ecological security by addressing threats, supporting responsible stewardship for a future balanced and healthy ecology, both personal and global for humans to live in harmony with each other and sustainable balance with the earth.. Most of its grantmaking is in Peace & Security, Environment & Sustainability and Population & Reproductive Health.

The Open Society Institute (OSI), -- The Soros foundations network, autonomous organizations promoting open societies by shaping government policy, supporting education, media, public health, and human and women's rights, and social, legal, and economic reform.

IBM -- Focusing in education they provide grants in Adult Education and Workforce Development, Arts and Culture and Communities in Need.

Sun Giving Programs -- Providing resources and equipment to further the power of technology, especially through educational institutions. Sun Microsystems Foundation, nonprofit organization responsible for Sun's giving program. Education Grants, cash donation program focusing on education and workplace preparation. Employment Training Grants, equipment and training program focusing on workplace preparation. Open Gateways Program, grants of hardware, software, training and support to link students to the Internet and build Intranets within and between districts.

Blacksmith Institute -- Dedicated to to work in locations throughout the developing world where human health is most affected by pollution.

Ronald McDonald House Charities -- Dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars to national or international nonprofit organizations making an impact on children’s health and well being.

Oprah's Angel Network -- Awarding grants to work in education, leadership, basic rights and communities organizations to unlock the potential of people around the world.

Eurasia -- Awarding grants and operate programs within three broad mandate areas: Private Enterprise Development, a ccelerate development and growth of private enterprise, enhancing small and medium-sized businesses, tax code reform, professional associations, advanced business education and professional development. Public Administration and Policy, effective, responsive and accountable local government, especially in anti-corruption, government accountability and citizen monitoring of government..Civil Society, citizen participation in the political, economic decision-making process, including voter education, election monitoring, self-management of housing and community-supported schools. Anti-Corruption,.EPF is working to increase the capacities of Armenia’s government, civil society and media to promote anti-corruption monitoring activities, engage in investigative journalism and Armenia’s Law on Freedom of Information. Cooperation between government, civil society and the private sector is central to the program. Community Development, corporate Philanthropy, helps companies define philanthropic goals and develop strategic social investment initiatives. Education, Independent Media, Labor Migration, Small Business Development, Strengthening Local Government, Youth Activism.

Home Owner Funds

HUD -- Current housing stock rehabilitated, this program provides owner occupants of existing homes, or intended owner occupants who are looking to purchase a home, readily available mortgage money to refinance/rehabilitate or purchase/rehabilitate their homes, respectively. HUD does not offer direct grants or loans to individuals, but works through local governments and non-profit organizations to make financial assistance and counseling available. American Dream Downpayment Initiative ADDI aims to increase the homeownership rate, among lower income and minority households, and to revitalize and stabilize communities. ADDI will help first-time homebuyers with the biggest hurdle to homeownership: downpayment and closing costs.

Partners In Charity -- Dedicated to giving downpayment and closing cost assistance to all homebuyers. Whether you're a first-time buyer, move-up buyer or simply starting over, we're there to help you out. In addition to providing buyers with downpayment and closing costs assistance, we give a portion of every transaction to a local charity.

AmeriDream -- Downpayment Gift Program, provides down payment assistance of up to 10 percent of the home's price as well as many other resources to help low income families with home ownership,.Homebuyer Education Program, Downpayment Assistance Program, Home Retention Program, FHA Training Program, Building Affordable Homes Program.

USDA Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America through financial programs that support public facilities, housing, health clinics, emergency service facilities and electric and telephone service. They promote economic development by supporting loans to businesses through banks and community-managed lending pools. They offer technical assistance and information to help agricultural and other cooperatives get started and community empowerment programs.

FEMA: Disaster Assistance for Individuals

Rehabilitation -- National Park Service grants help protect our nation's significant historic and cultural sites and preserve our diverse cultural heritage. More than $1 billion has been awarded to Federal, State, and local governments, Native American Tribes, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions for preservation projects in all 50 states and the U.S. Territories. Battlefield Grants, HBCU Grants, HPF Grants, NAGPRA Grants, PTT Grants, Preserve America Grants, Save America's Treasures Grants, Tribal Heritage Grants

Washington State Housing Finance Commission A down payment assistance program for people with a disability or who have a family member with a disability whose income does not exceed 60% of county area median income.

Grant Writing

Contact: email:

Kari Sable

Grant Services

Complete Grant Research and Writing Services including:

  • Review
  • Editing
  • Consulting
  • Program Development
  • Project Management

October 22, 2008

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