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Chad O'Connell
Alvarez English was stabbed to death -- In Vacaville, California,
during a 1997 street fight. Chad O'Connell admitted his role in
the fatal stabbing and was let off with probation on a weapon charge.
The victim's friends were charged with murder. "They free the killer
and arrest the only two living Hispanics in the group. I don't think
you have to be a Ph.D. to start asking questions about whether or
not there's some racial component to all this" said his lawyer Dan
Who Kill: Profiles of Pre-Teen and Teenage Killers
by Carol Anne Davis -- Thirteen in-depth case studies of juvenile
homicide committed by children between the ages of 10-17 focusing
on societal and psychological factors. Why would two young boys
abduct, torture and kill a toddler? What makes a teenage girl plot
with her classmates to kill her own father? Traditionally, society
is used to regarding children as harmless - but for some the age
of innocence is shortlived, messy and ultimately murderous. Some
of the most notorious killings of the 20th century were committed
by children and it is not a new phenomenon. Mary
Bell, Robert Thompson
and Jon Venables are infamous for their crimes against
other children, but many of the studies here will be less familiar
to the reader and equally as offensive. Murdered by fire, poison,
strangulation or gunshots, victims range from infants to old age
pensioners. Carol Anne Davis sets out to explore this disturbing
subject using in-depth case studies of 13 killers aged between 10-17.
Exclusive interviews with experts offer an invaluable insight into
the psychology behind these atrocities and a hard-hitting look at
the role of society in an area too shocking to ignore.
Copyright Kari Sable 1994-2006