White Collar Crime |
Disney War White Collar Crime in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing)) Triangle: The Fire That Changed America |
For government crime and justice agencies, see Government Agencies "White-collar offenses shall constitute those classes of non-violent illegal activities which principally involve traditional notions of deceit, deception, concealment, manipulation, breach of trust, subterfuge or illegal circumvention." Department of Justice In 1939, Edwin H. Sutherland (1893–1950), a symbolic interactionist sociologist used the phrase white-collar criminal in a December 27, 1939, speech to the American Sociological Association. In 1949, he defined white-collar crime as, "approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation." Symbolic interactionism examines the creation of personal identity through interactions and relationships. Sutherland defined the Differential Association Theory, to explain how deviants gain motivation and technical knowledge. Sutherland embraced Interactionist Theory of Deviance, on how people learn to be criminals from interpersonal interaction with others. The Differential Association Theory of the Interactionist theory of deviance focuses on how individuals learn how to become criminals but not why they become criminals. White-collar crimes are fraud, bankruptcy, bribery, insider trading, embezzlement, computer crime, medical crime, public corruption, identity theft, environmental crime, pension fund crime, RICO crimes, consumer fraud, occupational crime, securities fraud, financial fraud, and forgery. In criminology, corporate crime refers to crimes committed by a corporation or individuals on behalf of a business entity. Corporate crime overlaps with: white-collar crime, organized crime, because criminals may set up corporations either for crime or laundering. The world’s gross criminal product was estimated at 20 percent of world trade (de Brie 2000). White Collar Crime Prosecutions for September 2011 summarizes the government's efforts combating white collar crime -- the number of such cases, the investigative agencies involved, the laws cited, the busiest federal districts and the busiest federal judges.Sociological Origins of White-Collar Crime -- The terms "white-collar crime" and its offshoot, "organized crime," reflect a half-century-old movement to remake the very definition of crime. How White Collar Crime WorksWhite-collar crime is synonymous with fraud committed by business and government. A single scam can destroy a company, devastate families life savings, and cost investors billions of dollars. The Biggest CEO Screw-Ups of 2011 10 White Collar Crime Cases That Made HeadlinesWhite collar criminals convicted in California’s federal courts were less likely to serve prison time than their counterparts nationally over the past three fiscal years. Convicts received less time in a cell when judges did order incarceration. The Madoff Chronicles-- Bernard Madoff bilked investors, friends, and philanthropists with his $65 billion Ponzi scheme. How did he do it? And how was he found out? Madoff is not the only one who is doing time for defrauding and embezzling his clients' cash. Enron and HealthSouth executives are members of Club Fed..Spectacular investing frauds like the one created by the New York financier typically happen during investing bubbles and only get exposed when they pop. Hamer v. Sidway, a classic 19th century Contracts Law case, is an introduction to how the Socratic method works in a first year Contracts Law class in law school. Types and Schemes of White Collar Crime - White-collar crimes are about greed and self-aggrandizement, and are fundamentally different from addiction or desperation. Greed responds to fear. White Collar Crime --White-collar crime is not classic clear-cut deviance. Fighting Corporate and Government Wrongdoing: -- A Research Guide to International and US Federal Laws on White-Collar Crime and Corruption NPR's Neal Conan leads a discussion on what happens when the government tries to investigate itself. Almost 200 years ago, Congress created an inspector general to investigate fraud in the Army. It didn't work very well then.The Hall is an online ballot spotlighting and calling to account the year’s most abusive corporations. Fitting a punishment to white-collar crime - White Collar crime rarely prompts outrage or lengthy prison sentences. Yet financial crimes devastate an entire community. Their impact lasts for years, stealing crucial services or a lifetime's savings. It's perpetrators are often community leaders. Carlyle's Way -- Made a mint inside the iron triangle of defense, government and industry. Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S. president George Bush Sr., former U.K. prime minister John Major, and former president of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. Carlyle has counted George Soros, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, and Osama bin Laden's family. Slate's Guide to the Martha Stewart Trial -- A series of dispatches by former securities analyst Henry Blodget about the legal proceedings underway against Martha Stewart Financial Crimes Enforcement Network --The US Department of the Treasury established the FinCEN in 1990 to provide government-wide, multisource financial intelligence and analysis network. The organization's operation was broadened in 1994 to include regulatory responsibilities for administering the Bank Secrecy Act, one of the nation's most potent weapons for preventing corruption of the U.S. financial system. Financial Scandals -- A guide with to information sources. Each year 6000 Americans lose their lives on the job and tens of thousands more are seriously injured or exposed to deadly poisons and carcinogens. If a workers dies on the job, due to a disregard for federal safety regulations, the maximum penalty the employer faces is 6 months in prison. A private brand of civil justice, one without laws, juries or constitutional rights, shields corporations from costly verdicts, compromising judges and the public of its right to a day in court. The Poor Still Pay More -- The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) report that business crime, fraud and abuse thrive on the backs of the poor. White Collar Crime Prof Blog -- White collar criminal law resources, information, and news. The Rip-off Report is the consumer reporting web site to enter complaints about companies and individuals ripping people off. All complaints remain public to create a working history for that company, unedited. Unlike the Better Business Bureau, Rip-off Report does not hide reports of "satisfied" complaints. Kari & AssociatesPO Box 6166 Olympia, WA 98507 |
Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story The Art of the Steal Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market by Eric Schlosser The underground economy comprises 10% or more of America's economy, and it's on the rise. Schlosser traces: how tycoons and gangsters rise and fall, how new technology shapes a market, how government intervention reinvigorates black and mainstream markets, and how big business profits from the underground. Vesco: From Wall Street to Castro's Cuba, the Rise, Fall, and Exile of the King of White Collar Crime by Arthur Herzog -- Kingfish, Robert Vesco, fled the US in 1973, accused of looting $250 million from Investors. The high school dropout from Detroit, joined together smaller companies to form larger ones;, driving up the price of stocks, attracting investors worldwide. What followed was a chase by the FBI, CIA, and SEC to the Bahamas, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Havana, Cuba. The Rip: True Stories of Stock Brokerage Corruption by Bret Aita -- A former broker exposes an ethically twisted, brutal, and cutthroat culture rife with fraud and deception to hustle a trusting public, and victors' spoils include cash, booze, drugs, and sex. The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World David Icke reveals everything from the British royal family to major oil companies, to 33 of the last 40 US presidents, in a global conspiracy masterminded by a brotherhood vying for planetary control. |