Teacher - Student Sexual Relations Pedophilia in the Catholic Church Sexual Assault/Harassment Resources Books: Sexual Assault, Sexual Offenders, Victims of Sex Crimes, Sexual Crime True Stories Penn State Sandusky Grand Jury Presentment -- What Jerry Sandusky is accused of, how the accusations came about and who knew this was going on is addressed. How much did Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary know? And did they do enough? According to the New York Times, as state attorney general, now Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Corbett knew of the allegations against Sandusky and the probable cover up. In 2009, Corbett convened a grand jury. When Corbett ran for and became governor, legally he was unable to pursue the case. “He was upset about the inaction,” said Kevin Harley, Corbett's press secretary, who also worked with Corbett in the Attorney General's office. “He knew what witnesses were going to the grand jury ... he knew at some point that this day would be coming.” After the firing of Paterno, the riots ... Do Penn State fans care about victims in The World Joe Paterno Made? Sexual assault includes attacks rape, attempted rape, any unwanted sexual contact or threats. A sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person in a sexual way, even through clothes, without consent. Acts of sexual assault include forced sexual intercourse (rape), sodomy (oral or anal sexual acts), child molestation, incest, fondling and attempted rape. Sexual assault is a crime. Assailants can be strangers, acquaintances, friends, or family. Assailants commit sexual assault by way of violence, threats, coercion, manipulation, pressure or tricks. No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted. No More Excuses, Rape is Rape! -- FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) definition of rape has not been updated since 1929. The 82-year-old definition currently reads, “The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Included are rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape. Statutory offenses (no force used–victim under age of consent) are excluded.” Nation Rape, the Most Intimate of Crimes -- Most rapists are never caught, and conviction rates for those apprehended are notoriously low. According to Department of Justice statistics, 48 percent of accused rapists were released before trial. Of those tried, only 54 percent were sentenced to prison. Even more troubling is that the average sex offender may commit hundreds of crimes in his lifetime, which means that the vast majority of rapes go undetected and unpunished. Enhancement of Sexual Boundaries: An Online Awareness Project Handbook of Sex Offender Treatment --Understanding of the behavior and characteristics of sex offenders and assessing, treating, and managing offenders Adult female sexual offending: -- A comparison between co-offenders and solo offenders. In this study 60 adult female sexual offenders were examined for personality pathology, the sexual, violence and recidivism. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 2011 Adolescent Sexual Behavior and the Law--With half of all 17 year olds reporting that they have engaged in sexual intercourse, adults need to acknowledge that teenagers are participating in the autonomous acts of sex. The high rate of teens admitting to having sexual relationships, and even higher number of the adults, more than 70%, state that adolescents sex is always wrong” has influenced authority figures and the law. Lifetime Sex Offender Recidivism: A 25-Year Follow-Up Study -- A sample of 320 sex offenders and 31 violent non-sex offenders seen for psychiatric assessment between 1966 and 1974, were compared on recidivism rates over 25 years. Child sexual abusers and exhibitionists most likely to reoffend while incest offenders were least likely. The typical career spanned almost two decades, indicating that sex offense recidivism remained a problem. Department of Psychiatry University of Toronto Inevitable recidivism—The origin and centrality of an urban legend--Americans believe sex offenders cannot control themselves and will continue to re-offend. Kansas v. Hendricks epitomized the inevitable recidivist,. When evidence of sex offender recidivism is examined, a gap exists between what the data actually shows. Tamara Rice Lave, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Sexual predators flock to boom towns -- Two to three times as many sexual predators go to the boom towns than to nearby tourist, ranching and farming communities. The study looked at nine counties near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, using year-by-year trends of registered sexual offenders there since 1997. Sex Offenders: Passport Revocation--While most American men who hire sex partners overseas seek adults, many are in search of children and adolescents. The United Nations estimates that as many as two million children are employed in the commercial sex trade worldwide. Unwillingly Revealed: Registered Sex Offenders’ Attitudes Toward the Sex Offender Registry--Sex offender registries and community notification policies were developed to provide the public with information about convicted sex offenders to help parents and potential victims protect themselves from dangerous sexual predators. Registered sex offenders perceived the registry as effective in enhancing community safety but not at reducing rates of offending. The registrants experienced negative psychological, emotional, and psychosocial effects. When they were unwillingly revealed through the registry, they experienced increased negative effects of their stigmatized status. Women must constantly be wary and take precautions a man never considers. Sexual Sadism --Sexual pleasure from the infliction of physical and psychological pain, suffering or humiliation of the victim. The billion-dollar business of human trafficking -- Hundreds of thousands of young, desperate females are trafficked as sex slaves each year. Some are lured overseas with the promise of a good job, others are simply abducted. Indirect Behavioral Measures of Cognition among Sexual Offenders -- Tthe exploration and testing of models of cognitive processes that underpin sexual preferences and offending. JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH, 2011, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Through the Tiers: Are Iowa’s New Sex-Offender Laws Unconstitutional? it includes provisions that are unconstitutional in light of federal and state decisions that upheld the old residency-restriction laws. Testimony to the Review Panel on Prison Rape -- Violence in women’s jails and prisons is not a dominant aspect of everyday life, but a potential, shaped by prison culture, relationships, and past victimization. Barbara Owen, Professor Department of Criminology California State University‐Fresno Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA): Sexual Victimization Reported by Adult Correctional Authorities, 2007–2008 published 1/11 by U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Rough Amusements: The True Story of A'Lelia Walker, Patroness of the Harlem Renaissance's Down-Low Culture by Ben Neihart -- When A'Lelia Walker died in 1931 after a midnight snack of lobster and chocolate cake washed down with champagne, it marked the end of one of the most striking social careers in New York's history. The daughter of rags-to-riches multi-millionaire Madame C. J. Walker (the washerwoman who marketed the most successful straightening technique for African American hair), A'Lelia was America's first black poor little rich girl, using her inheritance to throw celebrity-packed parties in her Westchester Mansion and her 136th Street would-be salon, 'Dark Tower'. Neihart takes us into the heart of A'Lelia's world-gay Harlem in the 1920s. In tracing its cultural antecedents, he delves into the sexual subculture of 19th-century New York, exploring mixed-race prostitution; the New York society; French Balls ("the most sophisticated forum for testing the bound Noviembre 14, 2011 depraved 19th-century bar). Neihart traces the line connecting Davy Crockett's world without women to Walt Whitman's boundless love of beautiful men to A'Lelia's cultivation of the racial, social, and sexual risk that defined the Harlem Renaissance. The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld by Herbert Asbury -- Home to the notorious "Blue Book," which listed the names and addresses of every prostitute living in New Orleans's infamous red-light district, one of the most raucous in the world. New Orleans underworld consisted of much more than the local bordellos, it was well known as the early gambling capital of the US, with one of the most violent records of street crime in the country. From the exploits of Mary Jane "Bricktop" Jackson and Bridget Fury, two prostitutes who became famous after murdering their associates, to the "filibusters" backed by hundreds of thousands of dollars of public Support without official governmental approval for military missions to take over bordering Spanish regions in Texas. Asbury takes the reader on an intriguing, photograph-filled journey through a unique version of the American underworld. Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation: Practical and Clinical Perspectives by Vernon J. Geberth -- Sex-related homicides claim victims from all walks of life. They are the most horrific crimes imaginable, and the motives behind them are often not clear-cut. Practical and Clinical Perspectives stresses the basics, indicates the practicalities of certain investigative techniques, and provides you with patterns upon which to build a solid foundation for a prosecutable case. Kari & Associates Copyright Kari Sable 1994-2011 |
No Ordinary Joe: The Biography of Joe Paterno Capturing The Friedmans a middle-class family in the affluent New York suburb of Great Neck. One Thanksgiving, as the family gathers for dinner, their front door explodes open by a police battering ram, accusing Arnold Friedman and his youngest son, Jesse, of shocking crimes. The film follows their story through home movies of the family. As the police investigate, and the community reacts, the family disintegrates, revealing provocative questions about truth, justice, and family. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the 2003 Sundance Film Festival. Athletes and Acquaintance Rape by Jeffrey R. Benedict --Reports of well-known athletes, professional and intercollegiate, charged with crimes involving violence against women are prevalent in the media. By examining specific aspects of the athletes life, Benedict reveals a climate predisposed to violence against women, protection from punishment and conviction. Sexual Assault: Will I Ever Feel Okay Again?--One woman's personal journey to wholeness and a guide for other victims, their families, and friends. A book of hope and healing. |