60% of 234,000 sexual offenders in 1994 convicted of rape or sexual assault were under conditional supervision in the community. Bureau of Justice Standards Roy Hazelwood, from FBI's Investigative Support Unit, identifies Caucasian European as the most common serial sex offender. Hazelwood differentiates between organized or disorganized sexual predators:
Serial sex offenders are acting out their sadistic fantasies they experience. Sadism, bondage, cruelty, restraints, ritualism, manipulation, and mind control stemming from an intense hatred of females are common with serial sex offenders. Methodical Anger-Excitation Rapist are plan may even practice on intimate partner but they save the kill for strangers. The Evil That Men Do by Stephen G. Michaud, Roy Hazelwood Profiler Roy Hazelwood is the world's leading expert on the strangest, most dangerous of all aberrant offenders--the sexual criminal. In a fascinating career spent investigating and studying these macabre outlaws, Hazelwood has encountered every type, from sexual sadists to serial rapists. His cases have ranged from autoerotic deaths to staged suicides, and have included famous investigations from Toronto's notorious "Ken and Barbie" sexual killings to the Atlanta Child Murders and the fatal explosion that killed forty-seven sailors aboard the USS Iowa. Kobe Bryant -- Bryant admits to consensual adultery. Kobe's ex-girlfriend reacts . The NBA superstar with the spotless reputation charge with felony sexual assault. Kobe Bryant case Sports Illustrated Special Report. September 1, 2004, the judge dropped the felony sexual assault charge against Bryant, 26, after the alleged victim refused to participatie the criminal case but instead file a civil case. She received threats from Bryant fans after her identity was exposed due to court staff errors. Bryant made a public apology to her claiming that he believed the activities were consensual. December 13, 2004, Bryant accused Karl Malone of making passes at his wife. Both couples had been good friends and live near each other. John E. Robinson Sr. 58, "Slave master" is guilty of capital murder for the deaths of Suzette Trouten, 27, and Izabela Lewicka, 21, and was convicted of 1st-degree murder for the death of Lisa Stasi, 19, whose body was never found, and arranging the fraudulent adoption of her infant. Anyone You Want Me to Be: A True Story of Sex and Death on the Internet by John Douglas -- Olathe, Kansas, father of 4 sits in prison convicted on 3 counts of homicide -- 2 capital murder -- and suspected in at least 5 others. During the late 1990s, Robinson exploited the Internet's world of sadomasochism. In chat rooms, he pinpointed vulnerable women looking for romance and stalked them on-line, convincing them of his maturity, sensitivity, and financial stability. He enticed women with offers of a relationship and a lucrative job, persuading them to move to his hometown. Once in Kansas, the women disappeared. After days of intense jury deliberation, Robinson faces the death penalty.Law enforcement officers reveal how we can be drawn into the underground of cyber crime. Rape and My Journey Back -- He attacked from behind and had the advantage. He held my neck in a stranglehold. The fingers of his other hand dug into my eyes. My mouth was still free. I was struggling with all my strength and speaking. Sex offenders are not hopelessly fated to a life of deviant behavior, especially if they stay in corrective treatment, according to a study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Statistics from the National Violence Against Women Survey on the prevalence of rape, physical assaults on women, domestic violence, and stalking. It's one of the hottest industries in America. Yahoo! has profited from it. Westin and Marriott make more money selling it than they do snacks and drinks in their mini-bars. With estimates as high as $10 billion a year, it boasts the kind of earnings most American businesses would envy. It's pornography. Adult movies, magazines, retail stores, and the Internet, business is booming. The Biggest Pimp of All -- The oldest profession predates history, and laws designed to subdue it have rarely proved effective, hitting prostitutes with criminal fines while, tolerating or encouraging them makes the state "the biggest pimp of all," in the words of New York City's vice squad chief. Authors compare the approach to prostitution in American cities with decriminalization as practiced in several European cities and the legalization of brothels in Nevada. Prostitution Scotland It's easy to blend into a crowd of 'bad dates' -- A 6-foot-tall, clean-cut white man with blue eyes drives a prostitute to a spot behind an elementary school. When he tries to force the woman to have sex for free, she refuses. He breaks her nose. Seattle Post-Intelligencer The Last Madam -- Norma's mother, Amanda, wanted to come to New Orleans to live the wild life, and put her on the streets as a prostitute. After her father, John Gauley Badon, abandoned the family because he caught Amanda in bed with another man so her mother left her and Elmo, 5 years younger than Norma, alone in the French Quarter for weeks at a time. The children were left with no money, no food, in a house with no electricity or heat. Elmo stole food to keep them alive, until their neighbors took them in. Life and Times of Heidi Fleiss Trafficking in Women and Children Mekong Sub-Region "When I realized that I have been sold from one place to another like goods I felt ashamed and disappointed. I'm a human being. I have the right to live like other people." - Cambodian woman Civilians are no longer victims of war they instruments of war. Starving, terrorizing, murdering, raping civilians all that is seen as legitimate. Association for Progressive Communications National Council for the East Timor Resistance -- CNRT - A document obtained by The Australian, contains detailed information including names of women who have been forced into slavery and other people who have been killed or tortured by the militia. CNRT "If you are a female and born in the US of America, you are one of the luckiest women in the world." Oprah Sexual Harassment Hotline Resource List Sexual Harassment Internet Resources -- These groups and agencies deal with sexual harassment on the job or in school settings. Feminist Majority Foundation What was going on in the basement of Sheila and Eric Molnar's home was either an intimate expression of the couple's sexual life or a radical departure into a horrifying new territory by Mr. Molnar. Guys The Glen Ridge Rape -- 6 young men have left. 6 seniors and junior will remain in the basement with Leslie until they are done. The boys crowding around the sofa, a circle of flushed, excited faces! Leslie was left alone with the inner circle of jocks: Kyle and Kevin, Bryant Grober, Paul and Chris Archer, and 2 of their teammates, Peter Quigley and Richard Corcoran. The Dangerous Passion -- Jealousy can keep a couple committed or drive a man to savagely beat his wife. An attraction to a neighbor's spouse can generate intoxicating sexual euphoria while destroying two marriages. Sisterhood is powerless -- Feminism, real or imagined, has long been praised and blamed for societal developments, crises and trends. In a devastating twist, feminism may made their lives more dangerous. Offering escape and Support to battered women, has saved the lives of abusive men. Salon The Feminist Majority Foundation -- Dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and nonviolence. FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Feminist Majority FoundationThe Center for Advancement of Public Policy -- Fosters equitable, democratic, and humane management in government, corporations, and other organizations. OPE Campus Security Statistics -- Web site reports criminal offenses for over 6000 colleges and universities in the US. The site is authorized by Congress to help students and parents research criminal offenses on college campuses. <Note: These statistics are only as reliable as the colleges that report them. A college that encourages students to report crimes and records them correctly may appear to have more crime than a college that discourages reporting or is lax in responding to complaints. Department of Education Office of Post secondary Education
September 11, 2007
Copyright Kari Sable 1994-2007 |
Virginia City: Showdown At The Mustang Ranch - City Confidential -- A look at the infamous "Mustang Ranch", once the oldest and largest brothel in the country. In June, 1999, Uncle Sam paid an unwelcome visit and closed it down, and now the local economy in Virginia City is facing some tough times. Lorena Bobbitt - Women & Violence -- Lorena Bobbitt was charged with malicious wounding of her husband John, when she severed his penis. She claimed he raped her and she had suffered temporary insanity. January 21, 1994, Bobbitt was found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to a mental health facility for observation for 45 days. Fall From Grace -- Marv Albert was one of the nation's most famous sportscasters, covering the NFL, NBA, New York Rangers and Knicks. But after pleading guilty to sexual abuse, he is trying to scrape the remains of his career together. Marv's case is just one examined in this look at scandal and celebrity. Legal experts reflect on how the high profile people accused change the public's perception of misdeeds and perhaps affect the outcome of the cases when fame and the law collide. Traci Lords: Underneath It All by Traci Lords -- Traci Lords was the underage skin mag/porn queen who became the centerpiece of the adult video industry's greatest scandal. Nora Kuzma was a troubled confused, sexually abused teenager from Steubenville, Ohio; falls in with drugs and the wrong Southern California crowd, forges fake IDs to become Penthouse Pet of the Month at 16 and the '80s hottest adult star, then arrested, to become reborn as cleaned-up, psychoanalyzed/ rehabbed purveyor of legitimate film, TV, and music career. Obsession: Celebrities and Their Stalkers by David Harvey -- One million women and 370,000 men are stalked each year, and this expos uses stalker incidents involving famous celebrities to explore the twisted mind of a stalker. Offering glimpses into the Los Angeles District Attorney files, cases covered include stalkers who victimized such personalities as Madonna, Gianni Versace, Steven Spielberg, David Letterman, and Janet Jackson. Detailed attention is given to the actions and motivations of stalkers in order to understand their psychological impulses.Lethal Shadow: The Chilling True-Crime Story of a Sadistic Sex Slayer by Stephen G. Michaud Profiles James Mitchell De Bardeleban, from his initial arrest as a counterfeiter to the discovery that he was also a sadistic kidnapper, torturer, and sex murderer responsible for a 20 year reign of terror. Saint of Circumstance: The Untold Story Behind the Alex Kelly Rape Case: Growing Up Rich and Out of Control by Sheila Weller The best-selling author of "Raging Heart" reveals the untold story behind the Alex Kelly rape case. When the handsome golden boy fled the US in 1987 rather than face two impending rape trials, his wealthy parents funded his lifestyle of luxury in Europe. The troubled soul of a privileged--and secretive--community, exposing its facade to reveal a fascinating dark side. Lucky: A Memoir by Alice Sebold When Sebold, the author of The Lovely Bones, was a college freshman at Syracuse University, she was attacked and raped on the last night of school, forced onto the ground in a tunnel "among the dead leaves and broken beer bottles." Policeman told her a young woman had been murdered there and Sebold should consider herself lucky. City Confidential: Scandal on the Bayou Louisiana State capital of Baton Rouge is a city with a reputation for heat, Cajun color and illicit indulgences. Sylvia Landry profited on the politics and sin, running escort services rumored to have very important clients. Authorities went after Landry, many hated her brazen attitude, while others admired her defiance. Landry was convicted and sent to jail -- an event which many assumed would never happen. |