the Dinosaur Learns to Stand Tall Against Bullies: A Group
Activities Manual to Teach K-6 Children How to Handle Other
Children's Aggressive Behavior by Teresa M. Schmidt
Child: Bully or Victim? Understanding and Ending Schoolyard
Tyranny by Peter Sheras (Author)
what many advise, nothing fans a bully's fire brighter than
a victim who tries to "just ignore it." Be it insults, punches,
ostracism, or sexual labeling, misplaced anger requires swift
intervention. Sheras provides practical advice for parents.
When an explosive child connects with a weaker child, the
results are predictable. The parents' duty is not to ignore
these situations, but to arm themselves and their children
to handle them.
& Victims: Helping Your Child Survive the Schoolyard Battlefield
by Suellen Fried, Paula Fried
Bullies and Victims explores teasing and the power of relationships
between children, the roles of adults, schools, media, and
Fight for Justice
By Betty Ann Herron
True story about a coach that had a 7th grade
student perform 20 naked push-ups in front of his gym class.
True Crime Book Watch!
Watch for new True Crime books as they are published!
Reports that a new study shows peer rejection can wound young kids emotionally for good. Feelings of inadequacy; Lifelong tendency to depression; Social acceptance in elementary school children; Rating children's social standing; Effects of changes in social status; Who is singled out for rejection; Withdrawn children; Shy-kid pattern; Aggressive kids, bullies; Loneliness in children.
1992 murder
of Bobby Kent -- A suburban high school student in South Florida
who was killed by friends. On July 15th 1993, 7 teenagers from
Broward County, South Florida, stabbed and bludgeoned Bobby to
death - leaving the mutilated corpse to rot, in the swamp. The
majority of the Broward County 7 remain in prison - one on death
Justice - Payback For A Bully -- He was popular, athletic
and a good student. At 20, Bobby Kent seemed to be on the right
path: he graduated from high school, had a job and was trying
to start his own business. He lived with his parents, his best
friend, Marty Puccio, lived down the street. On one hot July
night, Bobby, Marty, and six others went out for a night of
partying. Bobby never came back. All seven people who were with
him confessed to killing him. All including Marty and Bobby's
ex-girlfriend, claimed Bobby was a ruthless bully they could
not stop any other way. But is that enough to drive these "friends"
to such an extreme solution? The jury didn't think so--all were
convicted of either first or second degree murder. Interviews
with the prosecutor, defense attorneys and Bobby's ex-girlfriend.
Does Anyone Deserve to Die? by Jim Schutze --Combines
natural details about the sawgrass marshes and alligators south
of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with observations about the fantasy
lives of teenagers hooked on surfing, steroids, and instant
gratification, 7 suburban kids who slide into moral depravity.
At the heart of his tale is a kind of love triangle: the "bully,"
his best friend Marty, and Marty's girlfriend, who desires to
rescue Marty from a destructive friendship with homosexual undertones.
Schutze's account of the aftermath of the murder includes interesting
details on how the police skillfully lured confessions from
the kids involved.
(2001) Marty (Brad Renfro) is a tormented surfer who relies
on his longtime pal Bobby Kent (Nick Stahl) for rides to the
beach and bars despite vicious abuse. But when Bobby turns his
unwanted attention to Marty's new girlfriend Lisa (Rachel Miner)
and her friend Ally (Bijou Phillips), Lisa decides Bobby's reign
of terror must end. Assembling alienated suburban teens, she
forms a deadly plan to get Bobby out of the way.
is bullying? -- Bullying is doing or saying things to have
power over another person. Some ways are: calling names, saying
or writing nasty things, leaving them out, not talking to them,
threatening, making them uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging
their things, hitting or kicking, make them do things they don't
want to do.
introduction to bullying -- We see it in the workplace, home,
club and sports, but most of all at school. Children dominated,
suffer miserably, often in silence, and develop a victim mentality.
and What To Do About It -- Bullying should never be accepted
as normal behavior. The feelings experienced by victims are painful
and lasting. Bullies progress to serious, antisocial behavior.
Recent incidents of school violence show that bullying has tragic
consequences for individuals, families, schools and entire communities.
at school
is bullying? -- The question of what constitutes bullying
is a question of pressing practical importance.
-- Repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others. Bullying
can be perpetrated by individuals or groups. London
Family Court Clinic, London, Ontario, Canada
Facts About Bullying -- 10% to 15% of children are regularly
bullied, most frequently in school. At school, bullying occurs
where there is little or no adult supervision.
Does Gay Mean? is a new anti-bullying program designed to improve
understanding and respect for youth who are gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender
(GLBT). Centered on an free downloadable educational booklet, " What
Does Gay Mean?" How to Talk with Kids About Sexual Orientation and
Prejudice, the program encourages parents and others to communicate
and share values of respect with their children.
"A child
will not learn anything, if they are too frightened to come to
school." Anti-bullying
Unit - Internet section.
The Bullies -- Educators underestimate the bullying that takes
place and are reluctant to get involved.
prevalent is bullying? -- 1 in 7 children is a bully or the
target of a bully, according to the National Association of School
Psychologists. Targets of bullying often remain silent, but suffer
the effects, lack of self-confidence, underachievement, and withdrawal.
Education World
bullying really do children any harm? -- There continues to
be resistance to the view that bullying is harmful to children.
Some resistance comes from people who proudly assert being bullied
never did them any harm.
Do You Stop a Bully? -- Bullies feel inferior and need to
prove something. They get a feeling of power by scaring or bossing.
Here are steps you can take to protect yourself.
and adolescents who threaten violence are more likely to behave
violently than those who do not make threats.
Are Also Victims -- In a survey of 558 students in a Midwest
middle school, 80% of the students had engaged in bullying behaviors
during the previous 30 days. Family and Community
the Bully by the Horns -- 8% of students miss 1 day of class
per month for fear of Bullies. 43% fear harassment in the bathroom
at school. 100,000 students carry a gun to school.
Behaviors Among US Youth Prevalence and Association With Psychosocial
Adjustment -- Given the behavioral and emotional difficulties
associated with bullying, as well as long term negative outcomes,
bullying merits serious attention for future research and intervention.
A New Sense of Need in the US Educational System -- Norway schools
have an anti-bullying program. In England schools are required to
have anti-bullying policies. Other countries include Sweden and
Wales, and some US states.
Stop Laughing at Me by Jodee Blanco -- While other kids
were daydreaming about dances, first kisses, and college, Jodee
was trying to figure out how to get from homeroom to study hall
without being taunted or spit upon as she walked through the halls.
This memoir chronicles how one child was shunned and physically
abused by her classmates from elementary school through high school.
This vivid story will open your eyes to the harsh realities and
long-term consequences of bullying.
Books on Bullies for
Are a Pain in the Brain by Trevor Romain (Illustrator),
Elizabeth Verdick (Editor)
in the Barkers' Class (Barker Twins) by Tomie Depaola
Moffie and Morgie are excited. A new girl is joining their class.
But Carole Anne is a bully, pushing Moffie and grabbing Morgie's
dinosaur book, and that's only the beginning. Then Morgie goes
looking for dinosaur eggs on a Saturday morning and finds Carole
Anne crying.
Knew What to Do: A Story About Bullying by Becky Ray McCain,
Todd Leonardo (Illustrator) Tells how one child found the courage
to tell a teacher about Ray, who was being picked on and bullied
by other kids in school.
Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill, Laura Huliska-Beith
-- Mean Jean is the Recess Queen, pushing, hammering
and slammering the other kids. And then a puny new girl shows
up and catches Mean Jean off-guard. Katie Sue not intimidated
by the bully and the playground is safe for all again.
Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell, David Catrow (Illustrator)
Molly Lou Melon may be tiny, clumsy, buck-toothed, and with a
voice like a bullfrog, but she doesn't mind. Her grandmother has
confidence in her, and tells her to believe in herself. But Molly
Lou's self-assurance is put to the test when she moves to a new
town, away from her friends and grandmother. Ronald Durkin taunts
Molly Lou calling her "shrimpo" and "bucky-toothed beaver." Our
heroine barely flinches as she systematically sets out to prove
herself, and Ronald ends up feeling foolish.
Berenstain Bears and the Bully by Stan Berenstain, Jan
Berenstain -- When Sister Bear gets beaten up by Tuffy, the new
cub in town, Brother huffs off to set this bully straight. But
he's in for a surprise--Tuffy's a girl, and Brother can't bring
himself to fight her.
on the Bus (The Decision Is Yours) by Carl W. Bosch,
Rebekah Strecker (Illustrator)
Kari & Associates
PO Box 6166
Olympia, WA 98507
Copyright Kari Sable 1994-2006
his site with your purchases!
Bully Free Classroom: Over 100 Tips and Strategies for Teachers
K-8 by Allan L. Beane
Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School,
How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence
by Barbara Coloroso -- Recognize the characteristic triad of bullying:
the bully who perpetrates the harm; the bullied who is the target
(and may become a bully); and the bystander -- the peers, siblings,
or adults who don't act to defuse the situation. What bullying is
and what it isn't; the 3 kinds of bullying; and the differences
and similarities between boy and girl bullies. How to read the subtle
clues a child is being bullied. 4 abilities that protect your child
from succumbing to a bully 7 steps to take if your child is a bully.
Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls
by Rachel Simmons
The author catalogues chilling acts of aggression, including the
silent treatment, note-passing, glaring, gossiping, ganging up,
fashion police, and being nice in private/mean in public. She decodes
the vocabulary of these sneak attacks. She guides readers to nurture
emotional honesty.
to Handle Bullies, Teasers and Other Meanies: A Book That Takes
the Nuisance Out of Name Calling and Other Nonsense
by Kate Cohen-Posey, Betsy A. Lampe (Illustrator) -- Useful tips
on how kids can use verbal techniques to turn a bully's slurs inside
out. This is a place to start when fighting back seems in order,
ideas and wordplays give victims the edge they need to recoup their