On February 17, 1970, a cold, rainy early morning, a horrendous crime took place at 544 Castle Drive off base at Fort Bragg. It started as a nightmare that would last for over 32 years and is still not resolved. Many disputed and contradictory versions of what happened that night have unfolded. But Jeffrey MacDonald's story has never deviated. A pregnant wife and two small daughters were brutally murdered. Jeffrey MacDonald was found injured and unconscious. His injuries were not fatal and not nearly as serious as the injuries suffered by his family. MacDonald's version of the what happened that night: His wife and children had gone to bed earlier in the evening. Kristen, his youngest daughter, had crawled in bed with her mother and wet the bed on MacDonald's side. After taking her to her own bed, he brought her a bottle, grabbed a blanket and went to sleep on the living room couch. As he awakened to the screams of his wife and their oldest daughter, Kimberly, he was immediately attacked by 3 men, accompanied by a female. She had long blond hair and a floppy hat. One man, wearing a field jacket with E-6 stripes, carried what appeared to be a baseball bat. While he struck MacDonald on the head with the bat, two men in civilian clothes attacked him from the front, simultaneously. MacDonald could see the female as she flickered a light. She had long, stringy, blond hair, boots, a floppy hat and said what sounded like. "Acid is groovy, kill the pigs." Prior to the MPs arriving, MacDonald stated he awoke from the attack on the floor, partially on a step from the living room, entering the hallway. Everything was quiet. He was cold and shaking. His pajama top was down to around his wrist. MacDonald checked on his wife in their bedroom and found her dead. Leaning against a green chair, covered in blood, she still had a knife in her chest. He pulled the knife from her and threw it on the floor. Then he moved her downward, to a supine position, to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation. He checked pulses and attempted mouth to mouth resuscitation on his children. Blood on his mouth, noted by hospital records and 4 witnesses, is consistent with his reports of mouth to mouth resuscitation. He tried unsuccessfully to do CPR on his wife and daughters, again, before he called the Military Police and requested an ambulance ASAP. He said they were dying of stab wounds and needed help. Colette's pajama top was torn, exposing her breast, so he threw his pajama top over her. The MPs did not arrive as promptly as expected because they thought they were responding to a domestic disturbance. Specialist Kenneth Mica, MP, was the first to arrive on the scene. MacDonald was found unconscious, with his head on his wifes shoulder and his arm across her body. Mica observed he was breathing and administrated CPR. Once MacDonald was revived, he described the assailants. Kenneth Mica, the first MP to arrive, with his partner, had seen a woman matching the description when responding to the call. They advised their superiors about this but were told not not to mention it. Fort Bragg, April 6, 1970, MacDonald was placed under house arrest for the murders of his pregnant wife and two small daughters. Let's take a closer look at the Crime Scene. Copyright Christina Masewicz 2002 |
The MacDonald Saga (Index) Jeffrey
MacDonald's Injuries
The Government's Case Against MacDonald Support this site with your purchases! The Complete Harry Potter Series! Fatal Justice: Reinvestigating the Macdonald Murders by Jerry Allen Potter, Fred Bost -- A well-documented argument for the other side of the MacDonald case--an argument that the prosecution mishandled key crime-scene evidence, withheld potentially exculpatory material, and discounted confessions from other suspects. The army narrowed in on MacDonald as their prime suspect early in the investigation, and discouraged the FBI from developing alternate theories. And the judge, Franklin Dupree Jr. appeared to have been biased in favor of the prosecution. Flame-out: From Prosecuting Jeffrey MacDonald to Serving Time to Serving Tables by James Blackburn, Wade M. Smith -- Story of prosecution of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald for the triple murders of his family. Subsequent fall from grace from the practice of law, diagnosis fo severe depression, subsequent imprisonment, and later waiting tables in very public restaurant to survive.